About Film by Democracy

As film fans, we think Hollywood has lost the plot.

Once known for cutting edge innovation and leading the way, the corporate machine now seems more interested in launching the next action figure than producing an engaging story.

Is this really what we want?

To find out, Film by Democracy offers an entirely fan-driven platform giving ALL creative power to you, the audience.

No artistic egos, no one individual in control.

Starting with a blank slate, EVERY production decision is open to your influence and input. From genre and title, to the actors and soundtrack.

We begin with (the as yet untitled) Project A - a webseries which will be free to watch online when finished.

What is Project A about?
To discover everything that has been voted on so far, check the Results Page on the FbD website.

Via votes, discussion and creative submissions, we are quite literally making it up as we go along.

It might be the best thing since Citizen Cane. And while it may not be that good, here at Film by Democracy we're not afraid to take risks.

Want to join the cast & crew? Get Involved


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