3D used to be a niche novelty. And I blame Avatar completely for tarnishing what used to be visually orgasmic experience.
Sure the equation adds up. A wide, whirling
world of colour plus an epic display of special effects must equal 3D. But the
problem seems that while Avatar, (which was primarily designed to be a 3D
experience mind you), was an excellent contender to adopt the 3D tagline, I
physically pull my hair out when films possessing the slightest shred of any
special effects feel they are worthy of 3D status.
When films such as Step Up 4: Miami Heat
and Disney’s mega-flop Mars Needs Moms start to mess around with the once
sacred 3D, the profit hungry cinema distributors are merely rehashing shitty 2D
films (Burton’s Alice in Wonderland anyone?) to cash in on the gimmick.
While The Guardian journalist, Mark Kermode
jests that “(3D cinema) is the 21st century equivalent of the snood”,
he also joins the club of film-fans-against-film-trash.
Don't they look stupid? Photo courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre via Flickr |
“The thing these movies have in common is
that they are essentially trash – they are perfectly suited to the
phoney-baloney gimmickry of 3D,” he writes.
“It is a con designed entirely to protect
the bloated bank balances of buck-hungry Hollywood producers.” Amen Kermode.
Yet by and by, while Hollywood money hunger
will forever be the demise of quality cinema, I beg filmmakers to consider the
craft of 3D over the gimmickry of it and at least stamp the dreaded 3D on
something with substance.
How do you feel about 3D films? Tedious or
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