19 Jun 2012

A Fanmade FbD Animation

One of users/members (can anyone think of a cool collective term? FbD'ers?) has created this great animation.

Big THANKS Daniel Barnes. We didn't even know he was making it. What a guy! You've just earned some serious Karma points.

* You to could earn some Karma points (albeit not as many as Daniel) by sharing the video with a few people. Thanks.


18 Jun 2012

Day 14 - What would you do?

Last chance to have your say.

Tell us what you would do if 99% the world's population disappeared.

Your views, comments and feedback will help determine the characters created in 'Project A'.


13 Jun 2012

Day 5 - What would you do?

The characters developed in Film by Democracy are inspired by you.

Post, tweet, blog, comment, like, upload, and share what you would do when suddenly half the world's population has disappeared.

Your views, comments and feedback will help determine the characters created in 'Project A'.

Comment below. Or record a video response and send us the link.


8 Jun 2012

Day 1 - What Would You Do?

The characters developed in Film by Democracy are inspired by you.

Post, tweet, blog, comment, like, upload, and share what you would do when suddenly half the world's population has disappeared.

Your views, comments and feedback will help determine the characters created in 'Project A'.

Comment below. Or record a video response and send us the link.
