15 May 2012

First FBD Submission Open Now!

We are excited to open the first FbD submission!

You are invited to enter a 20 word plot idea for our first production - Project A.

From our previous polls we know that Project A is going to be a Contemporary Urban Fantasy Drama. So it’s important that your idea is compatible with these genres.

What do these terms mean?

Set at the time the film is made. Often the fantastic elements are hidden or unknown to the general population.

Takes place in a centre of human population. That could mean a city, town, or even a large village. As opposed to far away lands with snow capped mountains.

Anything that can be imagined but which doesn’t need to be explained by science. Fantasy isn’t governed by the physical laws of nature.

Drama is the most broad of movies genres and depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Characters are in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena.

Films which fit into these genres include:

It’s a Wonderful Life
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Being John Malkovich
Meet Joe Black
Spirited Away
Field of Dreams (Almost, maybe not urban enough?)
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
The Science of Sleep
Black Swan

Submit your idea at www.filmbydemocracy.com

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